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AMR vs AGV: What’s the Difference

Automated material transportation is a major concern for small and large companies. An increasing number of companies are now adopting AMRs and AGVs, two popular automated transportation systems widely used worldwide, to effectively fulfill automated internal transportation tasks. By enhancing the productivity of organizations and ensuring more effective deliveries, AMRs and AGVs become useful assistants in many companies.

However, not all people know how to differentiate between AMRs and AGVs. Therefore, to rid you of any doubt, let’s explore more about the AMR vs AGV and break down the major differences between them. 

AMR vs AGV: What Are They? 

AGVs or Automated Guided Vehicles are automatic vehicles for performing repetitive industrial tasks such as material transport in the production section. They are designed to follow predefined pathways to finish tedious and boring tasks according to certain instructions. 

The AMR, or Autonomous Mobile Robot, is an unmanned mobile robot not confined to a specific route. AMRs are advanced enough to plot their own routes, making real-time changes according to their surroundings. They use multiple intelligent mechanisms to detect the environment and decide their path based on received signals, achieving high automation and effectiveness.

AMR vs AGV: 3 Major Differences

Here are the three major differences you need to know when it comes to the AMR vs AGV.

1. Navigation Systems

Autonomous navigation is the main difference between these two automated systems. AGVs normally follow marked lines or wires on the floor, obey pre-programmed instructions, and use radio waves or lasers for navigation. In other words, AGVs can detect obstacles but cannot bypass them, and it’s common to see AGVs stop on the track until obstacles are removed. Therefore, they are best suited for fixed routes because they detect the path by a wire-guided system or laser. 

In contrast, the AMR can detect the environment and select an optimum direction with intelligent navigation in real-time. When the AMR is taught the destination of the transportation task, it will generate the most direct path based on the position on the map. With the help of built-in sensors, laser scanners, and cameras, AMRs can detect obstacles and autonomously choose the best alternative route to bypass obstacles. Therefore, AMRs optimize productivity and ensure the material flow stays on schedule via intelligent navigation.

2. Working Environments

As aforementioned, the AGV is better suited for fixed operations. Therefore, it is not an ideal choice to use AGVs in high-dynamic factories because they have limited routes and need a longer time to complete tasks. 

However, AMRs fit the demands of agile businesses because they can automatically adjust the route to meet production requirements and adapt to changing environments with high flexibility. Most users praise AMRs and believe they work better in complex, dynamic work environments than AGVs, such as airports, hospitals, and other similar facilities. 

3. Cost

Though AMRs are more advanced than AGVs, they are a cheaper technology solution in the long run.There’s no need to make significant changes in the infrastructure when AMRs are selected. In contrast, it’s necessary to install magnetic tapes or wires to enable the movement of AGVs. These adaptations of using AGVs impose an additional burden above the cost on the warehouse account. Therefore, the initial cost of adopting an AMR is less than an AGV. 

Besides that, while assessing the overall price of these two systems, we must recognize the post-input cost. For instance, AMRs, which have fewer units than AGVs, are easy to install and need less maintenance, reducing the cost in the long term. In addition, with the help of AMRs, users will no longer spend extra time operating these autonomous robots but will allow them to focus on valued work that can contribute to the glory of the company, promoting the development of the company. 

AMR vs AGV: Conclusion

When looking at an AMR vs AGV, it is clear that AMRs are more intelligent and cost-effective than AGVs. The AMR has a low initial cost, enhances productivity, requires less maintenance, and delivers a fast return on investment (ROI). Therefore, due to its incredible merits, AMRs are the ideal choice for most factories and organizations.

Buy Reliable AMRs from ForwardX

ForwardX is a reliable robot supplier for various types of AMRs. Since 2016, they’ve been a leading provider of person-to-goods solutions for making business and home life easier. Their advanced AMRs are designed to avoid obstacles and make timely decisions to take the right route and deliver maximum efficiency. 

If you want to invest in reliable AMRs for your business after understanding the AMR vs AGV, don’t hesitate to contact us now for high-quality AMRs to start a smarter buying experience!


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