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Make The Most Out of Automation and Logistics Trade Shows – Part II

Automation and logistics trade shows present invaluable opportunities for companies to explore new suppliers and vendors for robotic automation solutions. However, attending these events without proper internal organization can lead to missed opportunities and ineffective decision-making. That’s why before the trade show, conducting thorough research to identify potential suppliers and vendors that align with your needs is highly important. 

Here are some core metrics that can help you assess the suitability and compatibility of potential partners with your company’s requirements and objectives.

Technology Expertise:

Review the vendor’s technological capabilities and expertise in robotic automation. Assess the sophistication and reliability of their robotic systems, including their ability to handle complex tasks and adapt to changing needs. Look for vendors with a strong track record of innovation and a commitment to staying ahead.

Customization and Scalability:

Evaluate the vendor’s ability to customize their solutions to fit your specific material handling processes and workflows. Can they adapt their robotics technology to your unique requirements? Additionally, assess their scalability, ensuring their solutions can accommodate potential future growth or changes in your operations.

Experience and Track Record:

Review past projects, especially those similar to your industry or application. Look for case studies, testimonials, and references to gauge their success rate and customer satisfaction level.

Integration Capabilities:

Determine how well the vendor’s robotics systems integrate with your existing infrastructure, such as warehouse management systems (WMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, or other automation solutions. Ensure that potential vendors demonstrate compatibility and can seamlessly integrate into your current technology stack.

Support and Maintenance:

Assess the level of support and maintenance services the vendor provides post-implementation. Understand their response time for troubleshooting, spare part availability, and the resources they allocate to ensure your robotic automation systems remain operational and efficient.

Training and Knowledge Transfer:

Evaluate the vendor’s commitment to knowledge transfer and training. Assess their ability to provide comprehensive training programs for your staff, ensuring they can operate and maintain the robotic automation systems effectively. Knowledge transfer is crucial for long-term success and minimizing downtime.

Financial Stability:

Consider the financial stability and viability of the vendor. Evaluate their financial strength, customer base, and long-term business prospects. Look for stability and evidence of continued investment in research and development to ensure you are partnering with a reliable and forward-thinking supplier.


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