JD.com: Beverage Warehouse
Facing rising recruitment and training costs, fluctuating seasonal demand, high error rate, and high consumer expectations, JD.com turned to ForwardX. Together, they formed a solution consisting of ForwardX Max AMRs and f(x) Fleet Manager. The deployment took just one week and after immediate results, expansion took just 3 days. f(x) Fleet Manager connected to JD.com’s […]
SF DHL: Coffee Distribution
DHL partner, SF Supply Chain China, is the leading supply chain service provider in China. It currently has warehousing and logistics facilities in more than 80 cities and provides multi-channel warehouse distribution for B2B and B2C workflows. SF DHL’s Beijing warehouse provides distribution to 400 stores for China’s leading coffee brand. The warehouse sought a […]
JD.com: Beverage Warehouse Cross Docking
JD.com: Rice & Flour Warehouse
JD.com Rice & Flour Warehouse Solution Within JD.com’s warehouse, its MES system generates task orders that are grouped, assigned, and dispatched by ForwardX’s f(x) Fleet Manager. AMRs can be assigned to transport the material carts to picking points, the buffer zone, or the line station. AMRs take empty material racks from the line station and […]
Chong Yun Xing: China’s Largest Pet Food Supplier
Chong Yun Xing Solution The Max 600-L is used for pallet dispatch, goods transportation, and movement to warehouse storage area. The Flex 300-S completes a logistics picking and sorting scenario, where SKUs of different types and quantities are picked, sorted onto the appropriate rack level, and taken to meet workers at a conveyor.