How AMRs are offering collaborative work in warehouses

AMRs are designed to empower humans to be more productive and efficient. By taking on the dull, dirty and dangerous tasks within a warehouse or factory, AMRs ensure that humans can operate safely, efficiently and have more enjoyment at their work.

It is quite often heard that ‘robots are taking jobs’ or ‘they are not safe to work with humans’! But, as the need for automation is growing across supply chains in all the industries, including apparels and textiles, there are some myths growing as well which are being associated with the use of mobile robots, their feasibility and safety within factories – warehouses in particular.

Debunking these myths is necessary at a time when increasing interest in automation due to shrinking labour pools combined with rising wages, rising purchase volume through e-commerce channels and consumers’ growing service expectations from the companies they shop with tends to open whole new technology-driven horizons for the apparel brands and manufacturers. And, if not dispelled, these myths may derail the industry’s efforts towards consolidating their warehouse operations using mobile robots.

Before discussing the myths and dispelling them, an understanding should be given about mobile robot safety. An easy way to look at mobile robot safety is to consider a 3-part spectrum from least to most safe…

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