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Customizing Case Picking Solutions with Tailored AMRs

Introduction Successfully navigating the evolving landscape of warehousing and logistics can be challenging. Difficulties such as case picking errors, warehouse regulations, and warehouse navigation are a few examples of why adaptability is so crucial for optimizing efficiency. That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to creating highly customizable autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) that meet the unique needs […]

Precision Meets Vision: ForwardX’s Laser SLAM + Computer Vision Integration

Precision Meets Vision: ForwardX’s Laser SLAM + Computer Vision Integration The success of any robotic application hinges on the effectiveness of its navigation system. This crucial component allows robots to not only sense and perceive their surroundings but also map and navigate through complex environments. Amongst the myriad of tools available for this purpose, SLAM […]

Unlocking Potential: The Benefits Of Owning An Independent Supply Chain

In today’s fast-paced business environment, a flexible and efficient supply chain is essential for companies striving to stay competitive. Understanding the significance of this, ForwardX, a leading manufacturer and provider of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and innovative accessories, recognized the need to establish a reliable and robust supply chain to drive growth, foster innovation, and […]

Myth-Busters: The Truth Behind AMRs

As the demand for greater efficiency and productivity in warehouses and fulfillment centers continues to rise, the adoption of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, misconceptions and myths surrounding these robotic solutions can hinder their widespread acceptance and implementation. In this blog post, we will debunk some of the common myths associated […]

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